Contribute towards developing a spiritually positive centre

1. The uniqueness of the SSRF Spiritual Centre in Germany
The SSRF Spiritual Centre is a unique place which helps visitors and seekers progress in their spiritual journey. Its spiritually positive environment facilitates blissful practical learning. Many who have visited have shared that it has deeply touched them and has changed their lives for the better.
2. Our current need
The property is under repair and renovation to bring out its potential as a spiritual centre. So if you would like to donate towards the SSRF ashram’s renovations and repairs, please donate below, mentioning the keyword ‘SSRF Ashram’ in the purpose of the donation.
Some of the ashram areas

Spiritual service area
Where seekers perform service for the spread of Spirituality around the world

Dining area
A place for daily meals and spiritual meetings

Residential area
For visitors and seekers to stay in spiritually positive vibrations
Renovation efforts
Some renovations efforts have been completed and many others are currently in progress

Facade renovation and insulation

Inner works and repairs

Roof repairs
3. Donate now towards the SSRF Spiritual Centre!
Make a donation – Simple 2 – step process
Donate via bank transfer
If you are located in Europe, we have an additional option available to donate via bank transfer. Please see the details below to make the bank transfer in Euros.
Account Name : SSRF Germany e. V.
Bank : VR Bank Köln-Bonn
IBAN : DE 3838 0601 8649 2962 4012
Donation Purpose : SSRF Ashram
If you need any more information for Bank transfer please contact us at [email protected].
Payment security
The Spiritual Science Research Foundation Inc. is neither privy to nor holds any of your credit card details. All details are encrypted and processed by our secure internet payment gateway providers.
Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions
Please read our Privacy Policy for donation on this link
Please read our Terms and Conditions on this link
About SSRF
We are a global, all-volunteer organisation dedicated to the spiritual progress of every individual and society as a whole.
The Spiritual Science Research Foundation Inc. (SSRF) is a registered non-profit organisation in
- Australia with the Australian Securities & Investments Commission (ASIC) and ACNC – ABN 49119742291
- The United States of America in the State of New Jersey No: 0400176958
- Germany with Local Court, Stendal, Register of associations no. VR 6298
- Croatia with the Register of Associations of the Republic of Croatia under registration number 21012023
For donors paying taxes in the USA : Donors who pay taxes in the USA will be able to claim tax exemption under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of the USA. SSRF will provide you with a receipt for your donation so that you can claim tax exemption on your donation.
For donors paying taxes in Germany : We are responsible for promoting science and research (Section 52 Para. 2 Sentence 1 No. 1 AD), education (Section 52 Para. 2 Sentence 1 No. 7 AD) and education and vocational training including student assistance (Section 52 Para . 2 Sentence 1 No. 7 AD) according to the exemption notice or according to the appendix to the corporate tax notice from the tax office FA Quedlinburg, tax number 117/142/06240, from April 9, 2024 for the last assessment period 2022 according to Section 5 Paragraph 1 No. 9 of the Corporation Tax Act from corporation tax and according to Section 3 No. 6 of the Trade Tax Act from trade tax.
SSRF depends primarily on the support of donors, such as you, and some part of our income comes from the sale of books and healing products. 88% of all donations received are spent on programs and channels which provide spiritual help to people. The remaining 12% are spent on administrative, promotional and operational costs.
Need Additional Help?
If you have any questions on donations please read our Frequently Asked Questions.
In case you are having any trouble while donating or prefer to donate via a check or do a bank transfer or have any other questions, please write to us at [email protected].