Live Collective Meditation Sessions
Join live meditations with Sadguru Cyriaque Vallee and experience the healing energy of six DivineĀ mantras.
What is meant by the āremoval ofĀ the evil eyeā and how does it benefit us?
Definition: The āritual to remove (cast off) the evil eyeā is a process of sucking out the distressing vibrations or black energy present in the vital energy sheath (prÄį¹a-dÄha)Ā and the mental sheath (manodÄha –Ā see picture below) of the affected person into the substances used in the ritual. Thereafter the influence of the energy and vibrations in the substances is reduced by burning them.
Persons affected by the evil eye, black magic or tormented by ghosts (demons, devils, negative energies, etc.) benefit by the āritual to cast off the evil eyeā.
The extent of reduction in distress is dependent on the extent of distress present. Generally ghosts (demons, devils, negative energies, etc.) at the spiritual level of 40-45% and lower are most impacted by the ritual of casting off the evil eye. Ghosts (demons, devils, negative energies, etc.) can attain higher spiritual levels due to their spiritual practice but they use the spiritual energy to cause distress to others.
Prayer is a very important part of the ritual: By performing the ritual to cast off (remove)Ā the evil eye after first praying to Lord MÄrutiĀ (an aspect of God) and drawing strength from Him, the person performing the ritual does not experience any distress and the distress of the affected person also reduces at the earliest.