SSRF advises continuation of conventional medical treatment along with spiritual healing remedies for the treatment of physical and psychiatric illnesses.
Readers are advised to take up any spiritual healing remedy at their own discretion.
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Table of Contents
1. What is salt water remedy?
Ghosts (demons, devils, negative energies, etc.) affect people and cause distress to them through their subtle black energy. Black energy can create a variety of problems such as depression, unclear thinking or malfunction of an organ which can lead to further difficulties such as addiction, financial problems or chest pain respectively.
Black energy : The primary weapon used by negative energies is black energy which is a spiritual energy capable of manipulating any process on the Earth plane. The extent of this manipulation depends on the strength of the attacking negative energy.
Ghosts transmit their black energy to the people that they target/ attack and create large stores of it in their bodies. It is difficult to get rid of this black energy except through a generalised spiritual remedy such as spiritual practice or a more specific one like the salt water remedy.The salt water remedy is a simple but powerful spiritual remedy to counteract harmful unseen black energy and drain it out of our system. By doing so, we do not waste our spiritual practice in counteracting black energy. Instead it can be used to bring about our spiritual growth.
2. When should we use the salt water remedy?
The majority of us are affected by ghosts to varying degrees. As a result, most of us have some degree of black energy covering. Performing the salt water treatment on a daily basis helps to remove this black energy from our body.
The salt water treatment should especially be done when one experiences symptoms such as :
- Lethargy
- Reduction in promptness
- Inability to think
- Excessive thoughts especially when they are negative in nature
- Anger or any other extreme emotion
- Stress
- Any form of physical illness
When we are experiencing any one of the above symptoms, we are in a weakened state physically, emotionally or spiritually. Ghosts attack us in this weakened state, infuse more black energy and play up the symptoms to an even greater extent.
The picture below is a drawing based onĀ subtle-knowledgeĀ of a ghost causing depression in a person.

Click here to read the entire case study.
Note: Every time we are in a weakened state (especially at a spiritual level), we leave ourselves open to attack, as it is in this state that ghosts (demons, devils, negative energies, etc.) require the least amount of energy to affect us.
In cases of severe distress, the salt water remedy can be repeated 2-3 times in a day at 2-3 hour intervals for better results.
3. What is required for the salt water remedy?
- A large sized bucket
- Water filled in the bucket (up to 50%) to cover the ankles when the feet are immersed in the bucket
- Rock salt
- Ā If rock salt is not available one can use sea salt crystals/table salt, however the effectiveness of the remedy will reduce to 30% (of the remedy when rock-salt is used)
- A towel
- A foot mat
4. How is the salt water remedy performed?
4.1Ā Step by step instructions
Fill a bucket (up to 50%) with water so as to cover the ankles. Add 2 tablespoons of rock salt.
Pray to God sincerely and with faith to remove the black energy in you. Also pray specifically for destroying the black energy of the ghosts (demons, devils, negative energies, etc.) affecting you. Prayer is an important ingredient which enhances the effectiveness of this remedy.
The remedy:
Sit upright with your feet immersed in the salt water. Keep a distance of at least 2-3 cm between the feet. This aids in the maximum discharge of black energy. If your feet touch each other, then there can be an obstacle in the discharge of black energy through the feet.
Keep the feet in the salt water for only 10 ā 15 minutes.
Do not exceed 15 minutes as the black energy which was drained out into the water (due to the remedy) can re-enter the body.
While your feet are immersed in the salt water, it is recommended that you chant the Name of God. The following are guidelines on what Name of God to chant.
- Those who are living a worldly life or just practising Spirituality at an individual level should chant ||Shri Gurudev Datta|| while doing the salt water remedy.
- Those who are actively involved in the spread of Spirituality as per universal principles should chant ||Om Namo Bhagawate Vasudevaya|| while doing the salt water remedy.
On completion:
After the completion of the remedy pay gratitude to God and pray for the creation of a protective sheath around you.
Then throw the salt water in the toilet and rinse the bucket with fresh water.
4.2 Video demonstrating the salt water remedy
5. What is the mechanism of removing negative energy?
- The chanting and prayer cause the dislodgement and disintegration of the black energy particles generated in various parts of our being, by the ghost.
- The salt water (water with rock salt) itself has the property of being able to suck out black energy.
- As black energy is going out, it may be accompanied by symptoms like yawning, burping, numbness of legs, warmth in the ears and eyes, etc. Sometimes there is a feeling of sliminess on the immersed feet. This is a sign of black energy coming out. It has also been observed that sometimes after the salt water remedy, the water becomes blackish in colour, it acquires a foul smell or sometimes the water becomes warmer. This is due to contact with the black frequencies escaping from the body.
- It works at the level of the Absolute Cosmic Water Principle (70%) and Absolute Cosmic Earth Principle (30%).
5.1 Can Epsom salt be used instead of Rock salt ?
Epsom salt is magnesium sulphate and is different from rock salt which is sodium chloride. While epsom salt has been known to have various physical and health benefits, from the viewpoint of removing black energy from the body, epsom salt has no value.
6. Examples of the benefit of the treatment
6.1 What actually happens in the subtle dimension during the salt water remedy?
When a person affected by ghosts (demons, devils, negative energies, etc.) did the salt water remedy, Madhura Bhosale, a seeker with advanced sixth sense (ESP) ability perceived the following effects of the remedy on the ghost and its black energy.

6.2 Drawing based on subtle-knowledge of black energy being removed
The above is a drawing based on subtle-knowledge of the effects of the salt water treatment on the black energy of a witch (chetkin)Ā who was causing excessive sexual thoughts in a person.
Refer to theĀ Case Study on excessive sexual thoughts
Also refer to –Ā WhyĀ doĀ weĀ haveĀ protectiveĀ borders?